Flight #117

21 April 2024 • Dockweiler • Hang I - Beginner

My 29th day of flying at Dockweiler. Gloomy and overcast day of flying the Condor. Had around 10 flights. That puts me at about 280+ flights at the beach. The winds were around 9mph to 10mph all day. My launches and landings were all great on the Condor. However, I also flew a North Wing Pulse 9M owned by Roberto Hernadez. Did one great flight. My second flight, I pulled in too far, and did a nosedive into the ground. I bent a downtube. I am buying him a new one and paying Andy Beem to fix it. Really upset with myself for making such a stupid mistake and breaking someone else's glider. So embarrassing. Robert was extremely cordial and gracious about it. The glider was WAY too small for me at around 140 square feet. Lesson learned. Never fly something that small. Never fly a glider belonging to someone else. That makes about 303+ foot launch flights in total.

Duration Of Flight: 1 minutes Accumulated Air Time: 23 hours 36 minutes
Glider: Wills Wing Condor Launch Type: Foot
Maximum Altitude: 20' (AGL) Launch Altitude: 20' (AGL)
Landing Site: Dockweiler Launch Site: Dockweiler
Tow Operator: n/a Instructor: n/a